Tracing functions
The trace facility allows you to debug your program by following the execution of specified functions. When you turn on tracing for a function, the function’s name, arguments, and returned value are printed out while your program is executing.
uLisp allows you to trace up to three functions at a time. The commands trace and untrace allow you to turn on and off tracing for individual functions.
As an example, consider this recursive function bisect, which bisects a list into two halves:
(defun bisect (n lis) (if (zerop n) (list nil lis) (let ((l (bisect (1- n) (cdr lis)))) (list (cons (car lis) (first l)) (second l)))))
It takes an integer, n, and a list, lis, and divides the list into two parts so the first half contains n elements:
> (bisect 3 '(a b c d e f g)) ((a b c) (d e f g))
We can get an insight into how it works by turning on trace:
9444> (trace bisect) (bisect)
The trace command returns a list of all the functions currently being traced. Now if we call bisect the calls are traced:
9444> (bisect 3 '(a b c d e f g)) 0: (bisect 3 (a b c d e f g)) 1: (bisect 2 (b c d e f g)) 2: (bisect 1 (c d e f g)) 3: (bisect 0 (d e f g)) 3: bisect returned (nil (d e f g)) 2: bisect returned ((c) (d e f g)) 1: bisect returned ((b c) (d e f g)) 0: bisect returned ((a b c) (d e f g)) ((a b c) (d e f g))
Each line shows:
- The depth of recursion; eg 2.
- The equivalent function call at that depth; eg bisect with arguments 1 and (c d e f g), or:
- The value returned at that depth; eg bisect returned ((c) (d e f g))
Tracing and untracing functions
To trace a function
To turn on tracing for a function call trace followed by the name of the function. For example:
9444> (trace join) (join bisect)
The call returns a list of all the functions currently being traced.
You can trace up to three functions at a time.
To untrace a function
To turn off tracing for a fuction call untrace followed by the name of the function:
9444> (untrace join) nil
The call to untrace will return nil.
To turn off tracing
To untrace all functions call untrace with no arguments.
9444> (untrace) (bisect)
It returns a list of the functions untraced.