
Let's look a bit more closely at expressions.

In Lisp, + is a function, and an expression like (+ 2 3) is a function call. When Lisp evaluates a function call it performs the following two steps:

  • It evaluates the arguments, left to right. In this case the arguments are just the numbers 2 and 3, and these evaluate to themselves.
  • The values of the arguments are passed to the procedure, in this case +, which returns 5.

Let's look at a more complicated example: (/ (- 7 1) (- 4 2)). The sequence is:

  • Evaluate (- 7 1) giving 6
  • Evaluate (- 4 2) giving 2
  • Evaluate (/ 6 2) giving 3
  • Return 3

Preventing evaluation: quote

Nearly all operators behave like this, but there are some special operators, called special forms, that behave differently. One is quote. Try

> (quote (+ 2 3))
(+ 2 3)

The quote operator doesn't evaluate its argument - it simply returns it. It lets you tell Lisp to treat an expression as data, rather than something to be evaluated.

For convenience you can abbreviate (quote something) to 'something. Try:

> '(+ 2 3)
(+ 2 3)

The ' operator allows you to protect an expression from evaluation. Now try quoting one of the arguments, as in:

> (list '(* 1 2) (* 3 4))
((* 1 2) 12)

The quote stopped the first argument from being evaluated.

Evaluating expressions: eval

The opposite of quote is eval; it evaluates the expression passed as its argument. So:

> (eval '(+ 2 3))

Things that evaluate to themselves

A number evaluates to itself, so you don't need to quote it:

> 12

Likewise nil, or the empty list, both evaluate to nil:

> ()


1. Predict what the following Lisp expressions will give, and then check your answers by evaluating them:

(list (list 2 3) (list 4 5))

(list '(list 2 3) '(list 4 5))

'(list (list 2 3) (list 4 5))

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