Arduino MKRZero
The Arduino MKRZero is similar to the Arduino Zero, but in a smaller form-factor board. It also includes a micro-SD card socket, allowing an SD card to be used for saving and loading uLisp images:
The Arduino MKRZero has an orange LED connected to the digital pin 32 which you can flash with the following program:
(defun blink (x) (pinmode 32 t) (digitalwrite 32 x) (delay 1000) (blink (not x)))
Run it by typing:
(blink t)
Exit from the program by entering ~.
Wemos SAMD21 M0-Mini
A similar compact ATSAMD21-based board is the Wemos SAMD21 M0-Mini Module [1]:
It works with the Arduino IDE; I got good results with the Boards Manager Arduino MKRZERO option, and the performance with uLisp is identical to the Arduino MKRZERO.
- ^ Wemos SAMD21 M0-Mini Module on Banggood.