Error messages pre Release 2.8
This page gives a list of error messages, in alphabetical order, with an explanation of the message, and if appropriate an example that would generate the error. Where possible it also includes suggestions of how to fix the error.
This page applies to versions of uLisp prior to Release 2.8. For the latest error messages see Error messages.
Note that errors such as Error: 'x' unknown variable are listed alphabetically under the word after 'x'.
'*' arithmetic overflow
Overflow occurred in an expression using '*'. For example, on a 16-bit platform:
(* 400 100)
'+' arithmetic overflow
Overflow occurred in an expression using '+'. For example, on a 16-bit platform:
(+ 30000 10000)
'-' arithmetic overflow
Overflow occurred in an expression using '-'. For example, on a 16-bit platform:
(- 0 -32768)
'/' arithmetic overflow
Overflow occurred in an expression using '/'. For example, on a 16-bit platform:
'1+' arithmetic overflow
Overflow occurred in an expression using '1+'. For example, on a 16-bit platform:
(1+ 32767)
'1-' arithmetic overflow
Overflow occurred in an expression using '1-'. For example, on a 16-bit platform:
(1- -32768)
'abs' arithmetic overflow
Overflow occurred in an expression using abs. The only case is, on a 16-bit platform:
(abs -32768)
Already being traced
The trace command was given for a function that's already being traced.
Already tracing 3 functions
The trace command was given for a function when three functions are already being traced.
'analogread' invalid pin
The analogread function is not supported on the specified pin.
'analogwrite' invalid pin
The analogwrite function is not supported on the specified pin.
'append' argument is not a list
The arguments to append must be lists. For example:
(append "cat" "dog")
'apply' last argument is not a list
The last argument to apply must be a list. For example:
(apply + 1 2)
'assoc' second argument is not a list
The second argument to assoc must be a list. For example:
(assoc 'c "cat")
autorun not available
On this platform autorunning a function after load-image is not supported.
Can't evaluate a dotted pair
An attempt was made to evaluate a dotted pair. For example:
(print . 3)
Can't take car
The argument to car is not a list. For example:
(car "car")
Can't take cdr
The argument to cdr is not a list. For example:
(car 12)
Cannot convert to string
The string function was called with an argument that wasn't a symbol or character. For example:
(string 12)
'char' index out of range
The third index argument to char is outside the range of the characters in the string. For example:
(char "cat" 3)
'concatenate' only supports strings
In uLisp concatenate only supports strings. For example:
(concatenate 'list '(a b c) '(d e f))
'decf' arithmetic overflow
Overflow occurred in an expression using decf. For example, on a 16-bit platform :
(setq a -32768) (decf a)
Division by zero
Attempt to divide by zero. For example:
(/ 2 0)
'dolist' argument is not a list
The second argument to dolist is not a list. For example:
Error in name
Error in print
Error: Problem autorunning from SD card
The escape character '~' was typed.
'x' has too few arguments
A function has been called with too few arguments. For example:
(mod 15)
'x' has too few parameters
A function has been called with fewer parameters than it was defined with. For example:
(defun sq (x) (* x x)) (sq)
'x' has too many arguments
A function has been called with too many arguments. For example:
(mod 15 2 3)
'x' has too many parameters
A function has been called with more parameters than it was defined with. For example:
(defun sq (x) (* x x)) (sq 2 3)
'if' missing argument(s)
if must be followed by at least two arguments.
Illegal character after #
In uLisp # can only be followed by '\', 'B', 'b', 'O', 'o', 'X', or 'x'.
Illegal place
The in-place operations setf, push, pop, incf, and decf can only take the functions car, first, cdr, rest, and nth in their second argument. For example:
(defvar a '(1 2 3 4)) (setf (second a) 7)
The solution is to rewrite the second argument in terms of these functions:
(setf (car (cdr a)) 7)
'incf' arithmetic overflow
Overflow occurred in an expression using incf. For example, on a 16-bit platform :
(setq a 32767) (incf a)
Incomplete list
A close bracket was typed with no matching opening bracket.
'x' is an illegal clause
A cond construct included an illegal clause.
'x' is an illegal function
A function was called that is not a legal function. For example:
(defvar a 12) (a 10)
'x' is not a character
The argument to char-code is not a character. For example:
(char-code "a")
'x' is not a number
The argument to an arithmetic function is not a number. For example:
(+ 2 "3")
'x' is not a stream
The stream parameter given to an input or output function is not a valid stream. For example, if there is no I2C device with address 27:
(with-i2c (str 27) (write-byte 0 str))
'x' is not a string
The first parameter to char is not a string.
'x' is not a symbol
An attempt to change the value of something that's not a symbol. For example:
(defvar 12 6)
'x' is not valid here
The function 'x' is invalid.
It wasn't being traced
The untrace command specified a function that hadn't been traced with trace.
'length' argument is not a list or string
The argument to length should be a list or a string. For example:
(length 12345)
load-image not available
On this platform load-image is not supported.
Malformed list
The list is not a valid dotted list because more than one object follows a dot. For example:
(a . b c)
'mapc' second argument is not a list
The second argument to mapc is not a list. For example:
'mapc' third argument is not a list
The second argument to mapc is not a list. For example:
'mapcar' second argument is not a list
The second argument to mapcar is not a list. For example:
'mapcar' third argument is not a list
The third argument to mapcar is not a list. For example:
'member' second argument is not a list
The second argument to member is not a list. For example:
No room
There is no space left in the Lisp workspace. Delete some functions or variables using makunbound.
No room for long symbols
The ATmega328 version of uLisp doesn't support long symbols of more than 3 characters, or symbols containing characters other than a-z or 0-9, because there isn't enough memory.
Other versions of uLisp may give this error if you've defined a large number of symbols, and there is no space left in the symbol table. From now onwards you will be restricted to 3-character symbols.
'x' not a string
An argument to concatenate is not a string. For example:
(concatenate 'string "cat" #\s)
'note' octave out of range
The octave specified for the note function is out of range for the PWM output.
'nth' index out of range
In a call to an in-place function the second argument to nth doesn't reference an element in the list. For example:
(defvar a '(0 1 2)) (setf (nth 3 a) 7)
'nth' second argument is not a list
The second argument to nth is not a list. For example:
(nth 3 "hello")
Number out of range
A number has been entered that is out of range for the platform. For example:
(print 40000)
Problem loading from SD card
There was a problem loading an image from the SD card. For example, the file ULISP.IMG was not found.
Problem reading from SD card
There was a problem reading from the SD card. For example, the file was not found.
Problem saving to SD card
There was a problem saving an image to the SD card. For example, the SD card has been removed.
Problem writing to SD card
There was a problem writing to the SD card. For example, the SD card has been removed.
'read-from-string' argument is not a string
'restart' not i2c
The stream supplied to restart-i2c is not an I2C stream.
'reverse' argument is not a list
The argument to reverse is not a list. For example:
save-image not available
On this platform save-image is not supported.
Stack overflow
The Lisp stack has overflowed. It may be necessary to restart uLisp.
String compare argument is not a string
One of the arguments to a string compare function, string<, string=, or string>, is not a string. For example:
(string= print "print")
'subseq' first argument is not a string
The first argument to subseq is not a string. For example:
(subseq '(a b c) 1 2)
'subseq' index out of range
One of the arguments to subseq is out of range for the given string. For example:
(subseq "uLisp" 1 6)
Too many long symbols
'x' undefined
A symbol x has been evaluated that has not yet been defined.
Unknown character
The escape sequence #\ is followed by an unknown character. For example:
Unknown stream type
The stream type is unknown.
'x' unknown variable
A symbol x has been referenced that has not yet been defined.
(setq w 3)
'unless' missing argument
unless must be followed by at least one argument.
Unmatched right bracket
A right bracket was typed with no matching left bracket.
'when' missing argument
when must be followed by at least one argument.
with-sd-card not supported
SD card support is not available.
'with-serial' port not supported
The port specified to with-serial is not supported on this platform.
'with-spi' invalid divider
The clock divider supplied to with-spi is not a valid value.