ESP32-P4 Function EV Board
The ESP32-P4 Function EV Board is a platform from Espressif for evaluating their new ESP32-P4 RISC-V processor. It's available from Espressif's store on AliExpress [1].
The board is based on Espressif's new ESP32-P4 chip which features a dual-core 400 MHz RISC-V processor (running at 360 MHz on the EV board), with 16 Mbytes of flash and 768 KB of on-chip SRAM. It can also support up to 32 Mbytes of PSRAM.
The board includes the following additional features:
- An ESP32-C6-MINI-1 module which provides 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi 6 & Bluetooth 5 (LE).
- A 7-inch capacitive touch screen with a resolution of 1024 x 600.
- A 2MP camera with MIPI CSI.
- A microphone.
- An audio CODEC chip, audio amplifier, and loudspeaker connector.
- An Ethernet chip and RJ45 Ethernet port.
- A USB to UART chip.
- A MicroSD Card slot (on reverse).
- RESET and BOOT buttons.
The current version of uLisp doesn't yet support all these additional features, but I hope to add support in future releases.
For full information about the board see ESP32-P4-Function-EV-Board on
Installing uLisp from the Arduino IDE
- Install the ESP32 Arduino core version 3.1.0 or later.
- Select ESP32 Arduino from the Board menu.
- Select the ESP32P4 Dev Module board option.
You can leave all the other options at their defaults.
Upload uLisp
I recommend connecting to the board via the USB-UART connection.
- Download the ESP version of uLisp release 4.7a or later from the Download uLisp page.
- Select the board's USB port from the Port menu
- Upload uLisp to the board.
Using uLisp
- Select Serial Monitor from the Tools menu.
- Enter Lisp commands.
LittleFS and save-image
The ESP32-P4 Function EV Board supports using LittleFS to allow you to save the entire workspace using (save-image).
The first time you call save-image LittleFS allocates the file system, and an error may be displayed. It should subsequently work without error.
Analogue inputs
The ESP32-P4 Function EV Board has 14 analogue inputs, on pins 16 to 23 and 49 to 54.
The ESP32-P4 Function EV Board has one serial port on pin numbers 38 (RX) and 37 (TX).
The ESP32-P4 Function EV Board has one SPI port on pin numbers 26 (SS), 33 (MISO), 32 (MOSI), and 36 (SCK).
The ESP32-P4 Function EV Board has one I2C port on pins 7 (SDA) and 8 (SCL).
- ^ ESP32-P4-Function-EV-Board on AliExpress.